How do we perform Uptime Monitoring network changes

As our platform grows, we also have to scale up our global Uptime Monitoring infrastructure along with it. In this article, we’ll go through the entire process of adding or removing nodes from our Uptime Monitoring infrastructure and explain how these changes would impact the small percentage of our users who decide to whitelist our […]

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How to whitelist our Uptime Monitoring Nodes in CSF

Please note that it’s not necessarily needed to whitelist our uptime monitoring IPs in your firewall. This should only be done if you are experiencing monitoring issues without whitelisting these IPs. However, if you do wish to whitelist these IPs in your CSF, start by running the following command on your server’s ssh: wget -q […]

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Uptime Monitoring IP Addresses

For automatization purposes, you can resolve to get all of our Uptime Monitoring IPs. Uptime Monitoring IP Addresses: New York: San Francisco: Dallas: Amsterdam: London: Frankfurt: Singapore: Sydney: Sao Paulo: Tokyo: Mumbai: Warsaw: We also always keep updated this text list of our Uptime Monitoring IPs: just IPs here: Learn what steps are taken when […]

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