[October 6, 2015]

‘intercept.datapacket.net’ suddenly started showing all IPs as blacklisted on their RBL, which is clearly an error somewhere on their end.

We have decided to disable this RBL until they fix the issues.

While we caught this in time, there were some notifications sent out.

You can safely ignore any notifications regarding the ‘intercept.datapacket.net’ RBL as this is a 100% confirmed false positive. If you have already received an email notification about this, you’ll also receive another one during the next IP scan to let you know the IPs got removed from this RBL.

Please excuse the false alarm email notifications sent out, unfortunately ‘intercept.datapacket.net’ being a third party blacklist, we cannot control what results they give out, like in this case considering all IPs blacklisted, and our system just picks up on that and does its job and notifies you (our clients) about it.

If you have any questions or concerns please open a support ticket.