[January 13, 2016 – UPDATE] We’ve noticed yet another wave of false positive listings on these two RBLs. Their nameservers were stating that some IPs were listed in their database, but when checking on their website turned out they weren’t. [December 16, 2015] Barracudacentral’s nameservers have started issuing some false positive results. As always when […]
Category: 16.01 Incidents
v0.9.8r4 Beta – vote.drbl.gremlin.ru & work.drbl.gremlin.ru – disabled
[November 19, 2015 – UPDATE] We’ve decided to remove these 2 RBLs from our checkups, as a result of too many false alarms given out by them. [November 14, 2015] We’ve noticed these 2 RBLs issuing mixed responses to the DNS queries used to check the IP blacklist status. We’re unsure if this is a […]
v0.9.8r3 Beta – cidr.bl.mcafee.com false positives & disabled
[November 14, 2015] ‘cidr.bl.mcafee.com’ blacklist was giving out false positives and it was only based on the spamhaus RBLs (which we already cover). If your IP was on this RBL then it was also on one of spamhaus lists, since mcafee RBL was based purely on spamhaus lists. Also, to remove an IP from mcafee […]
v0.9.8r2 Beta – sorbs.net false positive
[November 2, 2015] A couple of sorbs.net’s nameservers were issuing false positive responses, causing some false positive alarms in our system as well. We’ve identified the faulty nameservers and have blocked them in our system, so they won’t be queried anymore. Thanks to everyone who reported this issue.
intercept.datapacket.net – false positives & disabled
[October 6, 2015] ‘intercept.datapacket.net’ suddenly started showing all IPs as blacklisted on their RBL, which is clearly an error somewhere on their end. We have decided to disable this RBL until they fix the issues. While we caught this in time, there were some notifications sent out. You can safely ignore any notifications regarding theĀ ‘intercept.datapacket.net’ […]
free.v4bl.org & ip.v4bl.org – Removed From Checkup Lists
[June 8, 2015] These two RBLs suddenly started issuing false positive for every IP address. We have decided to remove them completely from our checkup lists. A system wide re-scan of every IP we monitor has been initiated to make sure any false positive report is to be corrected right away. Thanks to one of […]