Enable automated data access for your Microsoft Outlook SNDS account

If you haven’t added your IPs to the SNDS account yet, you can do so as explained in this article: https://docs.hetrixtools.com/adding-your-ips-to-microsoft-outlook-snds/ Once you’ve added your IPs to the SNDS account, you can enable automated access to their data. Begin by going to the “Automated Data Access” page on the Microsoft SNDS website: https://postmaster.live.com/snds/auto.aspx If you […]

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Adding your IPs to Microsoft Outlook SNDS

Before you begin, please note that you will need a Microsoft Account to log into, so if you don’t already have one, be sure to create one before proceeding with this guide. Start off by going to the Microsoft Outlook SNDS “Request Access” page: https://postmaster.live.com/snds/addnetwork.aspx Add your IP address, or IP range, or IP block, […]

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How to remove your IP from the Outlook blacklist

If you’re having trouble sending emails to any of the following Outlook’s domain names: hotmail.com live.com msn.com outlook.com or having problems sending emails to Office 365 recipients, then it’s most likely that your IP has been blacklisted by Outlook (Microsoft), and you will need to get it delisted before your emails can reach any Outlook or […]

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