[January 16, 2025] This RBL has been discontinued by its administrators, so we have now removed it from our system. If your IPs or domains are currently blacklisted on this RBL, you will receive a delisting notification after the next automatic checkup of your monitors.
Articles Tagged: ix.dnsbl.manitu.net
RBL: ix.dnsbl.manitu.net RBL type: IPv4 blacklist Website: http://www.dnsbl.manitu.net/index.php?language=en Lookup link: http://www.dnsbl.manitu.net/lookup.php?language=en&value= (replace with the IP you wish to lookup) Delisting link: http://www.dnsbl.manitu.net/remove.php?value= (replace with the IP you wish to lookup) Contact link: https://www.manitu.de/impressum/ Delisting procedure: You have three delisting options available for this RBL, (1) either fill out and submit the form found at the delisting link mentioned above, (2) […]