Looking for a mxtoolbox alternative? Here’s why HetrixTools is the right choice:

  • Our price per IP, when it comes to blacklist monitoring, is 80 times cheaper than mxtoolbox. Yes, you’ve read it right, 80 times cheaper. While they offer you 50 monitored IPs for the whopping price of $80/month ($1.6/IP/month), our cheapest package offers 512 monitored IPs for just $9.95/month ($0.0195/IP/month).
  • Our system checks ~ 30 more blacklists than mxtoolbox does.
  • HetrixTools free package offers more monitored IPs than their $20/month package, while mxtoolbox free package only offers 1 monitored IP and it’s checked every 7 days, on just 30 RBLs
  • Unlike mxtoolbox, we offer bulk blacklist check, for free, with any account.
  • HetrixTools interface is blazing fast, even when dealing with thousands or tens of thousands of IPs. Our average page load is 0.866 seconds, faster than 81% of all other websites. Our interface was designed aiming for simplicity and speed. Mxtoolbox is quite bulky and often confusing, and while you’re on their free package, pretty much 1 out of 3 actions you do will inevitably lead you to their pricing page where you are urged to upgrade to a paid plan.
  • HetrixTools free package doesn’t have banners that urge you to upgrade to a paid package, allover the interface. We believe that if our free package suits your needs, then you should remain on it, for as long as you wish, without us having to constantly remind you to upgrade.
  • Since we understand that one size doesn’t fit all, we offer custom packages, based on our clients’ needs. Just open a support ticket or contact us via website live chat to discuss your blacklist monitoring needs.
  • We’re constantly adding new features to our platform.
  • HetrixTools is offering around the clock support via tickets, to both our free and paid users, so, any issues or feed back you may have will be heard and dealt with as soon as possible.
  • We’re offering a rich documentation, where you can quickly learn how to get the best out of your HetrixTools account.
  • HetrixTools offers plenty more features than mxtoolbox, just to name a few: more notification methods, bulk reports, white labeling, etc.

Granted, they’re not all bad things, mxtoolbox does currently offer a wider variety of tools than we are offering, we’ll get there at some point, but when it comes pure blacklist monitoring, all the above mentioned points are valid. But why take our word for it? Just register a free account and test all of this for yourself. It’ll only take you 5 minutes to test and compare everything mentioned in this article.

If you ever need any kind of support or have any feedback, be sure to open a support ticket on our website and let us know about it.