If you or your server are having issues accessing our API endpoint (api.hetrixtools.com), it could be due to CloudFlare blocking your IP address. This can sometimes happen if your IP address has a poor or bad reputation. In such cases, you can use our API via the relay, which allows you to access the API […]
Category: 15 API
v2 Set Bulk Report Announcement
API Call Name: v2 Set Bulk Report Announcement API Call URL: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/announcement/<BULK_REP_ID>/set/ API Call Info: In order to set or modify the Announcement on any of your Bulk Reports, you will need to post a JSON payload to the API link posted above. This JSON payload should look like this: { “Title”:”Test Title”, “Body”:”Test Body.\\nThis […]
v1 Server Stats
API Call Name: v1 Server Stats API Call URL: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v1/<API_TOKEN>/server/stats/<UPTIME_MONITOR_ID>/ API Call Info: This API Call is used to fetch Server Stats sent by your Monitoring Agent to our platform. To use this API Call, you need to have the Server Monitoring Agent installed on your server:https://docs.hetrixtools.com/category/server-monitor/ API Call Link Variables: <API_TOKEN> – your API […]
v1 Get Server Agent ID (SID)
API Call Name: v1 Get Server Agent ID API Call URL: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v1/<API_TOKEN>/get/agentid/<UPTIME_MONITOR_ID>/ API Call Info: This API Call is used to get (or generate) the unique Server Agent ID attached to an Uptime Monitor. If there is no Server Agent ID attached to the Uptime Monitor that you are requesting it for, a new one […]
API – Delete Uptime Monitor
API Call Name: v2 Delete Uptime Monitor API Call: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/uptime/delete/ Create a POST request to the API link with a JSON payload built as instructed below. MID – 32 characters long string representing the Uptime Monitor ID that you wish to delete. You can get your monitors’ IDs by using the API Call v1 List Uptime […]
API – Add Server Agent Uptime Monitor (Heartbeat Uptime Monitor)
API Call Name: v2 Add Uptime Monitor API Call: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/uptime/add/ Create a POST request to the API link with a JSON payload built as instructed below. Type – Monitor Type 9 for Server Agent Monitor. Name – Monitor Name. Accepted: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, spaces, dots, dashes. Timeout – Time, in seconds, after which the Uptime Monitor […]
API – Add Website/Ping/Service/SMTP Uptime Monitor
API Call Name: v2 Add Uptime Monitor API Call: https://api.hetrixtools.com/v2/<API_TOKEN>/uptime/add/ Create a POST request to the API link with a JSON payload built as instructed below. General JSON body You can use the body below when adding any type of Uptime Monitor. Please note that some variables are not needed / ignored for certain Uptime Monitor […]
Understanding our APIs
We currently offer three API versions: v1, v2, and v3. v3 The v3 API is a RESTful APIĀ and it’s our latest API version, where we aim to gradually port over all other API calls from v1/v2. The v3 documentation can be found here: Limits Limits for the v3 API are per user per API call […]
Understanding API Limits
v3 API endpoints These are part of our latest API generation, and their documentation can be found here:https://docs.hetrixtools.com/api/v3/ The v3 API endpoints don’t have monthly caps, but each endpoint has rate-limiting. Each API response will contain headers with details about these rate limits and the time they’ll reset. You can find the full documentation about […]